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travel information eifel

Leisure activities

leisure facilities and attractions

Further down on this page we have compiled links to various Web. Please scroll down and click on the text or the picture. You get a lot of information about interesting destinations and activities in the region!

The volcanic Eifel is a wonderful vacation and holiday region.
Nature lovers and active holidaymakers freaks will get their money.
You will find a huge variety of recreational opportunities and tourist attractions in the area.

Particularly well known is the volcanic Eifel for their many Maare (crater lakes). The maare are referred to as the "eyes of the Eifel". There are some lakes with excellent water sports and boat hire ( Schalkenmehrener Maar, Gemündener or Pulvermaar) but there are also very well-known nature conservation, fishing and hiking.

The Moselle is not far away. Recommended For example, an excursion to Cochem, Traben-Trarbach, Bernkastel, or in Germany's oldest city, Trier. Take a boat trip on the Moselle, you test the Mosel wine at a wine tasting or visit the famous Roman sites, such as the Porta Nigra in Trier. Even the nearby neighboring countries: Luxembourg, Belgium and France inviting you to come visit. The world-famous Nürburgring, with its many events and recreational facilities is very popular among visitors. 24 hours, Formula 1 racing or the famous festival "Rock am Ring" attract many visitors year after year at the Nurburgring. The year-round experience of the Nürburgring with many winter events is now well worth a visit during the cold season.

Visit one of the many castles in the region. Particularly noteworthy are the Burg Eltz and the Manderscheider castles. Even trips to the historic old town of Monschau, or to the famous monasteries: "Himmerod", "Maria Laach" or "Mary Martental" are highly recommended and interesting. Several zoos can be found in the volcanic Eifel region. They are very popular with young and old. Animal and adventure park Daun summer toboggan run or affiliated with the eagle and wolf park in Kasselburg near Gerolstein. Marvel at the animals in the flight demonstrations, or the wolf feeding in the afternoon. Two other beautiful animal and theme parks are the Gondorf Bear Park or Eifelzoo in Lünebach.

Other destinations:
Visit the observatory at Schalkenmehren, the bell foundry Brockscheid, weavers Museum Schalkenmehren, school museum in Immerath, beekeeping and waving Born in Wallenborn, the Volcano Museum in Daun, in the Maarmuseum Manderscheid, Volcano House and Volcano adventure in Strohn near Gillenfeld, Geo-route, geological excursions, Adventure Parks, visit the Eifel natural park etc.

Very well known is the Eifel and also because their artists and writers. The successful Eifel thrillers are popular. The Eifel Crime Festival "Tatort Eifel" always attracts many visitors back to Daun and in the region. A ride on the train on the tourist rail line across the volcanic Eifel region is a lasting experience. The trips are made daily during the summer months and are very popular for all generations. Here you can see the beautiful natural even with special special trips to admire with a steam locomotive ride.
Cyclists are well served in the volcanic Eifel region at their expense. A former railway line was extended to one of the most popular cycling routes in Germany. The Maare-Moselle bicycle path from Daun to the Mosel to Bernkastel. The return trip can be dealt with also by bus (with bicycle).

New and very popular bike path is the cosmos biking path from Daun to Meerfeld. Here you will also learn many things about the cosmos and the stars. Bikes are available in many localities of the volcanic Eifel region.
There are also in the Vulkaneifel some of the finest mountain biking trails in Germany. The famous volcano bike (mountain bike race in September) with night racing and Program in Daun, attracts many visitors.
On the evening will be offered in the region a variety of dance events for young and old.
In Daun, you will find a new and very nice movie theater with a total of 5 halls. The cinema is open daily. Nationally known events are the "Classic on the volcano". Classical music performed live in the wonderful surroundings on Gemündener Maar. These take place several times during the summer.

The volcanic Eifel region is a hiker's paradise. Two well-known hiking trails are the Lieserpath from Daun to the popluar city of Manderscheid with the beautiful 2 castles and the hiking trail: "Eifelsteig" across the eifel from Aaachen to trier. There are many other beautiful trails in the volcanic Eifel region.

More tips for your leisure time we want to highlight here:
Summer toboggan run, ballooning, microlight flights, and hang in Hinterweiler, sightseeing flights with sailing or sport aircraft in Daun Senheld, paragliding, thermal, experience, indoor or heated outdoor pools in the region. Many spa retreats invite you to relax.

Fishing, swimming, swimming, surfing and other water sports on the lakes, lakes, ponds or rivers of the volcanic Eifel region. Play miniature golf or golf at one of the many places. The Nordic-walking route to the lakes is a resounding success.

More tips for your leisure time in the volcanic Eifel:
Bowling, bowling, squash, tennis, badminton, archery, rock climbing, fitness, racing and rally sport, karting, motorcycle trips, horseback riding, Voltegieren, covered wagon rides, canoe trips, amusement parks and children's parks in the neighborhood, fossil hunting, caves and ice caves to explore, visit waterfalls, etc.

In the winter: In the holiday area you can run cross-country and alpine skiing. The ski resorts have snowmaking partially with artificial snow. Also, the sledding is very popular. Ice skating is permitted on the frozen lakes, ponds or commodities. On an artificial surface but also in the Bitburg ice rink in the winter or temporarily at the Nurburgring.

To help facilitate the planning of recreational activities in the holiday region Eifel Volcano, we have put together a variety of links to Internet sites for attractions and leisure facilities in the region. You can find these links at the bottom of this page here.

How do you know the holiday region offers numerous opportunities Vulkaneifel, a memorable and exciting active or even a peaceful and pleasant holiday experience.

No matter what you choose, we already wish you a pleasant stay in the Volcano Eifel.

Here we have put together links to various Web sites. Just click on the text or the picture. You receive lots of information about interesting destinations and recreational opportunities in the region!

nature, parks, towns, historic buildings and history:

- Die Maare. In wundervollen Natur liegen die Augen der Eifel (Kraterseen). Naturschutzgebiet / Badeseen
- Wild- und Erlebnispark Daun. Einer der größten Tierparks in Deutschland. Viele Tierarten
- Adler- und Wolfspark Kasselburg bei Gerolstein. Beobachten Sie die Wildtiere rund um die Kasselburg
- Eifelpark und Bärenpark Gondorf. Sehr schöner Freizeit- und Tierpark in der Südeifel
- Eifelzoo Lünebach. Viele exotische Tiere aber auch viele Attraktionen erwarten Sie
- Wild- und Freizeitpark Klotten. Der Freizeitpark in unmittelbarer Nähe zur Mosel gelegen
- Wildpark Hellenthal. Natur- und Tierfreunde kommen hier voll auf ihre Kosten
- Nationalpark Eifel. Wundervoller Naturpark. Hier lebt auch die Wildkatze
- Vulkanmuseum in Daun. Tauchen Sie in Vulkangeschichte der Vulkaneifel ein
- Geopark Vulkaneifel. Sehr interessant, alles über die geologische Entwicklung der Eifel
- Maarmuseum in Manderscheid. Sie erfahren alles über die einzigartigen Maare in der Eifel
- Vulkanhaus in Strohn. Das interaktive Museum für Groß und Klein
- Trier, die älteste deutsche Stadt. Besuchen Sie die schöne und weltbekannte Moselmetropole
- Cochem an der Mosel und die Mosel allgemein. Faszinierender Fluß mit goßer Weinkultur
- Burg Eltz. Eine der schönsten Burgen (Märchenburg) Deutschlands
- Manderscheider Burgen. Die beiden Burgen in direkter Nachbarschaft.
- Burg Daun. Die Geschichte der kleinen Stadt können Sie hier hautnah erleben.
- Monschau, die bekannte Eifel-Kleinstadt mit wundervollen alten Fachwerkhäusern
- Kloster Maria Laach am Laacher See. Das gepflegte Kloster, direkt am See gelegen.
- Kloster Himmerod in der Vulkaneifel. Das idyllisch gelegene, traditionsreiche Kloster
- Eishöhlen, Mühlsteinhöhlen bei Gerolstein. Interessante Exkursion. Taschenlampe mitnehmen!
- Luxemburg, die schöne Stadt und das kleine Nachbarland. Besuchen Sie Luxemburg
- Ostbelgien, unsere guten Nachbarn im Westen (deutschsprachige Region in Ostbelgien)

Leisure, Sport and culture:

- Maare-Mosel Radweg. Für die ganze Familie. Einer der schönsten Radwege Deutschland
- Kosmos Radweg von Daun nach Meerfeld und dem Meerfelder Maar
- Vulkanbike, Mountainbikerennen und Mountainbike Trailpark Vulkaneifel
- Mountainbiking in der Vulkaneifel. Entdecken Sie auf sportliche Art die Vulkaneifel
- Fahrradverleih in Daun. Kompetenter Partner für Fahrradverleih und Reparatur
- Wanderweg "Eifelsteig". Einer der bekanntesten Wanderwege Deutschlands. Von Aachen bis Trier.
- Wanderweg "Lieserpfad". Sehr schöner und beliebter Wanderweg am kleinen Fluß "Lieser" entlang.
- Sommerrodelbahn Daun. Direkt vor dem Eingang zum Wild- und Erlebnispark Daun gelegen
- Glockengießerei Brockscheid. Erleben Sie dieses faszinierende Handwerk direkt vor Ort.
- Der Nürburgring. Weltbekannte Rennstrecke und Freizeitpark. Nur wenigen Kilometer entfernt
- ADAC Eifel-Rallye-festival. Die Rallye in der faszinierender Umgebung der Vulkaneifel
- Ballonfahren in der Vulkaneifel. Erleben Sie die Vulkaneifel von oben. Ein bleibendes Erlebnis
- Drachenfliegen und UL-Fliegen in der Vulkaneifel. Das pure Flugvergnügen für wenig Geld genießen.
- Segelflugplatz und Rundflüge am Flugplatz Daun-Senheld. Ein Erlebnis für Alle.
- Eifelbahn, Bahnfahrten auf der historischen Bahnlinie durch die Vulkaneifel
- Kletterparks und Adventureparks, Eifel Adventure Forest
- Kinocenter Daun. Die aktuellsten Kinofilme im neuen Kinopalast in Daun erleben.
- Angeln in den Maaren, an den Flüßen oder vielen Teichen in der Vulkaneifel
- Golfplatz Hillesheim. Golfen auf höchstem Niveau in der Vulkaneifel
- Minigolfplatz Daun. Spielen Sie mal wieder Minigolf. In Daun, am Ortsausgang Richtung Maare gelegen
- Skigebiet Daun. Skilaufen am Mäuseberg. Dem Skigebiet, direkt an den Maaren gelegen.
- Langlaufloipe Ernstberg bei Daun. Das Langlaufgebiet mit Skihütte und Skiverleih
- Eislaufen / Eishalle Bitburg. Eislaufspaß für Jung und Alt in der Bierstadt.
- Krimifestival "Tatort Eifel". Das bekannte Krimifestival mit vielen bekannten Stars
- Tolli Park, Kinderspielpark in Mayen. Ihre Kinder werden viel Spaß haben!
- Erlebnisbäder / Hallenbäder: Erlebnisbad Cochem. Das Wellenbad an der Mosel
- Erlebnisbäder/Hallenbäder: Erlebnisbad Cascade in Bitburg. Das große und schöne Freizeitbad
- Erlebnisbäder/Hallenbäder: Erlebnisbad Zell/Mosel. Schönes Erlebnisbad, direkt an der Mosel gelegen
- Thermal/Hallenbad Bad Bertrich. Neues, sehr attraktives Thermalbad im schönen Kurort Bad Bertrich

Enjoy your trips and activities in the Volcanic Eifel!

Eifelexperte villa1.de
Our Telephonenumber
+49 6592-1657

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